ENME 605 – ADVANCED SYSTEMS CONTROL: LINEAR SYSTEMS (3 credits) Prerequisite: ENME 403 or permission of instructor. Meets the Core Course Requirement for MMM students.
Modern control theory for both continuous and discrete systems. State space representation is reviewed and the concepts of controllability and observability are discussed. Design methods of deterministic observers are presented and optimal control theory is formulated. Control techniques for modifying system characteristics are discussed.
ENME 611 – FIBER OPTICS (3 credits) Prerequisites: None.
Introduces students to fiber optics, provides a background including fiber optic components and terminology, and equip students with ability to understand and evaluate various kinds of fiber optic sensors for a wide range of applications along with a detailed understanding of relevant signal processing and analysis techniques.
ENME 662 – LINEAR VIBRATIONS (3 credits) Prerequisite: ENME 360 or equivalent or permission of instructor. Meets the Core Course Requirement for MMM students.
Development of equations governing small oscillations of discrete and spatially continuous systems. Newton’s equations, Hamilton’s principle, and Lagrange’s equations. Free and forced vibrations of mechanical systems. Modal analysis. Finite element discretization and reductions of continuous systems. Numerical methods. Random vibrations.
ENME 664 – DYNAMICS (3 credits) Prerequisite: ENES 221 or equivalent or permission of instructor. Meets the Core Course Requirement for MMM students.
Kinematics in plane and space; dynamics of particles, system of particles, and rigid bodies. Holonomic and non-holonomic constraints. Newton’s equations, D’Alembert’s principle, Hamilton’s principle, and equations of Lagrange. Impact and collisions. Stability of equilibria.
ENME 665 – ADVANCED TOPICS IN VIBRATIONS (3 credits) Prerequisite: ENME 662 or permission of instructor.
Nonlinear oscillations and dynamics of mechanical and structural systems. Classical methods, geometrical, computational, and analytical methods. Bifurcations of equilibrium and periodic solutions; chaos.
ENME 670 – CONTINUUM MECHANICS (3 credits) Prerequisite: None. Meets the Core Course Requirement for MMM students.
Mechanics of deformable bodies, finite deformation and strain measures, kinematics of continua and global and local balance laws. Thermodynamics of continua, first and second laws. Introduction to constitutive theory for elastic solids, viscous fluids and memory dependent materials. Examples of exact solutions for linear and hyper elastic solids and Stokesian fluids.
ENME 672 – COMPOSITE MATERIALS (3 credits) Prerequisite: None.
Micro mechanics of advanced composites with passive and active reinforcements, mathematical models and engineering implications, effective properties, damage mechanics, and recent advances in “adaptive” or “smart” composites.
ENME 674 – FINITE ELEMENT METHODS (3 credits) Prerequisites: None.
Theory and application of finite element methods for mechanical engineering problems such as stress analysis, thermal and fluid flow analysis, electro-magnetic field analysis and coupled boundary-value problems for “smart” or “adaptive” structure applications, and stochastic finite element methods.
ENME 680 – EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS (3 credits) Prerequisite: Undergraduate course in instrumentation or equivalent.
Advanced methods of measurement in solid and fluid mechanics. Topics covered include scientific photography, moire, photoelasticity, strain gages, interferometry, holography, speckle, NDT techniques, shock and vibration, and laser anemometry.
ENME 684 – MODELING MATERIAL BEHAVIOR (3 credits) Prerequisite: ENME 670 or permission of instructor.
Constitutive equations for the response of solids to loads, heat, etc. based on the balance laws, frame invariance, and the application of thermodynamics to solids. Non-linear elasticity with heat conduction and dissipation. Linear and non-linear non-isothermal viscoelasticity with the elastic-viscoelastic correspondence principle. Classical plasticity and current viscoplasticity using internal state variables. Maxwell equal areas rule, phase change, and metastability and stability of equilibrium states. Boundary value problems. Introduction to current research areas.
ENME 704 – ACTIVE VIBRATION CONTROL (3 credits) Prerequisite: ENME 602, ENME 662 or equivalent.
This course aims at introducing the basic principles of the finite element method and applying it to plain beams and beams treated with piezoelectric actuators and sensors. The basic concepts of structural parameter identification are presented with emphasis on Eigensystem Realization Algorithm (ERA) and Auto-regression models (AR). Different active control algorithms are then applied to beams/piezo-actuator systems. Among these algorithms are: direct velocity feedback, impedance matching control, modal control methods and sliding mode controllers. Particular focus is given to feed forward Leat Mean Square (LMS) algorithms and filtered-X LMS. Optimal placement strategies of sensors and actuators are then introduced and applied to beam/piezo-actuator systems.
ENME 711 – VIBRATION DAMPING (3 credits) Prerequisite: ENME 662 or equivalent.
This course aims at introducing the different damping models that describe the behavior of viscoelastic materials. Emphasis will be placed on modeling the dynamics of simple structures (beams, plates and shells) with Passive Constrained Layer Damping (PCLD). Consideration will also be given to other types of surface treatments such as Magnetic Constrained Layer Damping (MCLD), Shunted Network Constrained Layer Damping (SNCLD), Active Constrained Layer Damping (ACLD) and Electrorheological Constrained Layer Damping (ECLD). Energy dissipation characteristics of the damping treatments will be presented analytically and by using the modal strain energy approach as applied to finite element models of vibrating structure.
ENME 740 – Lab-on-a-Chip Microsystems (3 credits)
Fundamentals and application of lab-on-a-chip and microfluidic technologies. A broad view of the field of microfluidics, knowledge of relevant fabrication methods and analysis techniques, and an understanding of the couple multi-domain phenomena that dominate the physics in these systems.
ENME 744 – Additive Manufacturing (3 credits)
Develop a comprehensive understanding of fundamental additive manufacturing-alternatively, “three-dimensional (3D) printing-approaches, including extrusion-based deposition, stereolithography, powder bed-based melting, and inkjet-based deposition. Cultivate a “design-for additive manufacturing” skill set for combining computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) methodologies to produce successful 3D prints. Fabricate 3D mechanical objects using a variety of 3D printing technologies on campus. Execute a design project that demonstrates how additive manufacturing technologies can overcome critical limitations of traditional manufacturing processes.
ENME 746 – Medical Robotics (3 credits)
The evolution of robotics in surgery is a new and exciting development. Surgical robotics brings together many disparate areas of research such as development and modeling of robotic systems, design, control, safety in medical robotics, haptics (sense of touch), ergonomics in minimally invasive procedures, and last but not the least, surgery. The primary goal of this course is to acquaint the students with fundamentals of robot design and control the different areas of research that lead to the development of medical robotic systems. As a result, the course will cover basic robot kinematics such as forward and inverse kinematics as well as velocity and acceleration analysis. We will also cover additional topics specific to medial robotics such as medical image guidance. The course will include a project, where students will learn to develop, build, and control a medical robot.
ENME 750 – Applied System Identification (3 credits)
An introductory graduate level course on system identification, which concerns various methods and techniques for data-driven modeling and estimation of dynamical systems.
ENME 751 – Applied Nonlinear Control (3 credits)
An introductory graduate level course on nonlinear control design, which concerns various methods and techniques for the analysis and synthesis of nonlinear control systems.
ENME 808E – Machine Learning: Theory and Applications ( 3 credits)
This introductory course will cover theory, algorithms, and applications of machine learning. Topics covered include the learning problem, theory of generalization, VC dimension, regularization, neural networks, support vector machines.
ENME 808N: Nanomechanics (3 credits)
This course will cover the fundamental theory behind basic methods of multi-scale simulation in mechanical engineering, beginning with an overview of the discrete methodologies (including quantum mechanics, molecular dynamics, and Montecarlo simulation) and ending with basic problems involving their integration into continuum equations of motion for the simulation of nanodevices, and nanometrology tools. A brief overview of the theoretical treatment of polymers, surfaces, and interfaces will also be provided. The fundamental concepts will be illustrated with current nonomechanics applications, such as nonomanipulation and scanning probe microscopy.
This course presents a broad overview of Micro-ElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS) and micro-fabrication technologies. Both traditional and emerging micro-fabrication techniques for micro-sensors, micro-actuator, and nanotechnology will be introduced. Both silicon and non-silicon micro-fabrication will be covered.
ENME 808T – Network Control Systems (3 credits)
With the advent of the internet and increasingly more powerful and inexpensive computing resources, network control systems have become a focus in the research community. Providing advantages with respect to robustness, complimentary capabilities, and task parallelization, network
control systems have found applications in various domains including distributed sensing, power grids, and robotics.