Fellowships & Scholarships Jobs/Internships

Research fellowships in biomedical optics at the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

​ We are currently seeking highly talented and motivated candidates in the area of medical signal processing (vital signs detection, etc.) and medical device evaluation. The selected candidates will join the research program through the ORISE Research Participation Program ( The candidates will have the opportunity to perform cutting-edge scientific research with highly experienced biophotonics researchers.

  1.  Project description

This project will focus on non-contact vital signs (heart rate, respiratory rate, etc.) detection with the imaging photoplethysmography (IPPG) technology (i.e., detect vital signs from video signals). We will identify factors that can affect the accuracy of IPPG as a non-contact, portable, inexpensive, and real-time technique for heart rate (HR) and respiratory rate (RR) monitoring. We will evaluate how external factors, and video quality will affect IPPG device accuracy and thus enhance the regulation of this emerging technology. The ultimate goal of this project is to establish a comprehensive method to evaluate the performance of IPPG devices (including apps) by considering the identified factors.

 The position is within the Division of Biomedical Physics at FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health, which is located at FDA’s White Oak Research Center near Washington DC (Address: 10903 New Hampshire Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20993).  General information about research in FDA can be found in the following link:

  1.  Requirements

Candidates with the following background are encouraged to apply:

  • Experience with image/video analysis/processing;
  • Proficiency with Matlab and other programing skill (python etc.);
  • Hand-on experience in lab;
  • Excellent writing, speaking and interpersonal communication skills.
  • Students that are available for more than 6 months are preferred.
  • Master students or Ph.D. candidates can apply.
  1.  Sponsorship

U.S. citizenship is not required. While students with an F-1 visa may be eligible for participation, the student must have stayed in USA for more than 3 years in the past 5 years according to federal regulation.

 To apply, please send a CV to Dr. Quanzeng Wang (

By Daniel Wysling

Assistant Director of IT