Fellowships & Scholarships

Titanium Conference Opportunity for Under Represented Graduate Students

​The International Titanium Association (ITA) and its International Titanium Foundation (ITF), in a partnership with Michigan State University (MSU), has received a $21,000 grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF). Initially, funds from NSF will be used to support up to 15 college students involved in metallurgy, engineering and advanced manufacturing technologies, enabling the students to attend the TITANIUM USA 2019 conference and exhibition, which will be held Sept. 21-25 in Mobile, Alabama USA.

The International Titanium Association has travel funding for underrepresented students to present their research work at the Titanium USA 2019 conference travel funding includes registration, travel, lodging, meals, and incidentals. The conference is very well suited for students doing titanium-based advanced manufacturing and materials research. The ITA has a number of activities planned to connect students to industries manufacturing with Titanium. Please make this information available to students who may have interest in presenting their work as a presentation or poster.

By Daniel Wysling

Assistant Director of IT