Defense & Graduation

Dissertation Defense & Graduation for M.S. Students

The thesis defense consists of a formal presentation of the thesis followed by a closed session where the examining committee reviews the student’s work. The thesis must be prepared in written form under the guidance of the student’s thesis advisor and presented for approval to the student’s thesis committee that has been approved by the Graduate Office and the Office of the Registrar. The Masters Degree is only granted upon sufficient evidence of high attainment in scholarship and the ability to engage in independent research. It is not awarded for the completion of course and seminar requirements no matter how successfully completed.

A thesis is required of all candidates for a Masters degree with thesis. The Graduate School has established the following procedures for the conduct of the thesis examination:

Eligibility: A student is eligible to defend a thesis if the student (a) has met all program requirements for a thesis examination, (b) is in good standing as a graduate student at the University, (c) is registered for at least one credit and, (d) has a valid Graduate School-approved Thesis Examining Committee.

Timeline: Following the advisor’s approval, a copy of the thesis must be provided to each member of the Thesis Committee at least 2 weeks prior to the date of the defense. In addition, 2 weeks prior to the date of the defense, a notice that includes the defense date and time, location, title, abstract, and names of committee members, and that invites faculty and students to attend the public portion of the defense, must be sent to the Graduate Studies Office at for forwarding to departmental listservs and posting on the web. 

Virtual Committee Participation: Thesis defenses must be in-person with the student and their entire committee present. Under extenuating circumstances, permission to have virtual committee members for a thesis defense may be granted by the Graduate School (our department cannot grant waivers).  

Scholarly Output: For students completing an M.S. with thesis degree, the scholarly output is in the form of a thesis describing their research. The thesis is presented formally at an oral defense, conducted in English and partially open to the public, and must be approved by the student’s Thesis Committee for the degree to be awarded.

Report of Examining Committee: A few days before the examination is scheduled to take place, the University will send the Report of the Examining Committee Form (REC) via email to all committee members except for the Chair. Upon passing the examination, the REC must be signed by each member of the examining committee. Once all members sign, the form will be routed to the chair and then the Director of Graduate Studies. The REC must be submitted by the deadline set by the Graduate School.

Previously Published Materials: If previously published work is included in the dissertation, the forward to the thesis must include a letter signed by the Director of Graduate Studies, advisor, and student that states the student made substantial contributions to the relevant aspects of the jointly authored work included in the dissertation. Please email the Graduate office at for a letter template.Thesis and Dissertation Embargo Request: The Thesis and Dissertation Embargo Request form is used if you are requesting an embargo on your thesis for more than 2 years which requires approval from the Graduate School. If you want to place an embargo for less than 2 years, you must email ProQuest at to request your embargo.


Students must apply for graduation via Testudo no later than the end of the Schedule Adjustment Period at the beginning of the semester in which they intend to graduate. You can find official registration dates and deadlines here

In addition to the items listed above, students are responsible for confirming that they are registered for at least 1 credit in the semester they intend to graduate in and that they have met the coursework and research credit requirements to be eligible to graduate.