
Mechanical Engineering Faculty Position – University of Michigan

The Department of Mechanical Engineering (M.E.), University of Michigan (U-M), Ann Arbor, seeks outstanding applicants for full-time, tenured or tenure-track, faculty positions. Underrepresented minorities and women are strongly encouraged to apply. The positions are open for either junior or senior-level appointments. The focus of this search is for candidates in all areas of mechanical engineering whose work includes an equity-centered component, including work that addresses anti-racism, inclusion, equity, or other topics. Prior record of equity-centered mechanical engineering is valued but not essential for junior applicants. The candidates’ research, teaching, and inclusion statements should define equity-centered mechanical engineering as it applies towards their career goals.

Applicants should have an earned Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering or an appropriate field. We seek scholars who will provide inspiration, leadership, and impact in research, teaching, and service. To
ensure full consideration, candidates are encouraged to apply now and before November 1, 2021, as applications will be reviewed immediately upon receipt. 
All applicants should submit, in PDF format:
(1) a detailed c.v., 
(2) statements on research and teaching
and contributions to diversity, equity, and inclusion (prior and/or proposed work related to equity-centered
mechanical engineering can be captured in any or all of these statements),(3) up to three representativepublications, and (4) the names and contact information of at least three references. 
Applications must be submitted electronically at

You can find more details about this posting in the flyer attached.