University of Michigan – Post-Doctoral Scholar Position

​​We seek a post-doctoral scholar to join our NIH-funded project in cochlear mechanics here at the University of Michigan in the Mechanical Engineering Department. This is a basic science project aimed at understanding the biomechanics of hearing through the development of mechanistic and physiologically-based mathematical and computational models of the mammalian hearing organ. A researcher with experience in scientific computing applied to any of the following fields: biophysics, mechanics, structural dynamics, or electromagnetics is preferred as we seek to improve the efficiency and fidelity of our time-domain models of this highly coupled, multi-physics biological system. Previous experience in hearing sciences is not required. We seek a researcher who is excited to make fundamental contributions to science, and who is a team player not only able to work within our group at Michigan but also with our expert experimental collaborators from around the world. Salary of ~$50k with excellent benefits. Interested candidates should send their curriculum vitae with at least two references to Karl Grosh (

Please forward this announcement to interested parties, as appropriate.

Karl Grosh
Mechanical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Kresge Hearing Research Institute
​​University of Michigan
