The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine is accepting applications for the 2023 Ford Foundation Fellowship Programs. Eligibility and online application information are available on the Ford Foundation Fellowship Programs website.
Through its program of fellowships, the Ford Foundation seeks to increase the diversity of the nation’s college and university faculties by increasing their ethnic and racial diversity, maximize the educational benefits of diversity, and increase the number of professors who can and will use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students.
Eligibility Requirements:
- U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals, and U.S. permanent residents (holders of a Permanent Resident Card); individuals granted deferred action status under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program (DACA) program;¹ Indigenous individuals exercising rights associated with the Jay Treaty of 1794; individuals granted Temporary Protected Status; asylees; and refugees, regardless of race, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, or sexual orientation
- Individuals with evidence of superior academic achievement (such as grade point average, class rank, honors or other designations)
- Individuals committed to a career in teaching and research at the college or university level in the U.S.
Predoctoral: $27,000 per year for three years
Dissertation: $28,000 for one year
Postdoctoral: $50,000 for one year
Application Deadline Dates:
Predoctoral: December 15, 2022 (5:00 PM EST)
Dissertation: December 8, 2022 (5:00 PM EST)
Postdoctoral: December 8, 2022 (5:00 PM EST)
Supplementary Materials Deadline Date (Submitted Applications):
January 5, 2023 (5:00 PM EST)