EPFL – Faculty Position in Data-Driven Engineering Design

The Institute of Mechanical Engineering is soliciting applications for a faculty position at the level of tenure
track Assistant Professor in Data-Driven Engineering Design. Exceptional candidates may be considered
at the rank of Associate Professor with tenure.

Applications should include a cover letter with a statement of motivation, curriculum vitae, list of
publications and patents, concise statement of research and teaching interests. Applicants should
also provide the names and addresses of 3 to 5 referees. Applications must be uploaded in PDF
format to the recruitment web site:


Formal evaluation of candidates will begin on
December 1, 2019.
Enquires may be addressed to:
Prof. Pedro Reis
Search Committee Chair
e-mail: igm-search@epfl.ch

For additional information on EPFL, please consult the
websites: www.epfl.ch, sti.epfl.ch, igm.epfl.ch.