
Faculty positions at the University of Cincinnati

The Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering in the College of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Cincinnati invites applications to fill up to two full-time tenure-track faculty positions in the Mechanical Engineering Program.

Candidates in two broad areas in mechanical engineering will be considered: (1) Mechanics – including, but not limited to, computational mechanics, theoretical and applied mechanics, modeling of materials behaviors such as fracture, fatigue, and plasticity, biomechanics, mechanics of soft systems, and machine learning and other data-driven approaches. (2) Energy & Sustainability – including, but not limited to, renewable energy, energy-water nexus, energy conversion and storage, battery materials and processes, carbon capture, hydrogen technology, fuel cells, and sustainable manufacturing. Rank, tenure, salary, and startup funding will be commensurate with credentials.

To learn more and apply, click here.