NSF Post-Doc Engineering Fellowships

Recognizing that many universities put their faculty hiring on hold due to uncertainties created by the pandemic, NSF has launched a new postdoctoral program for recently-graduated PhD students who want to stay in academia. Applications will be accepted from June 21 through July 6, 2021. We hope that this new Engineering Postdoctoral Fellows (eFellows) program enables highly qualified PhDs to gain more experience in academic research and be competitive for future faculty positions.  Diverse candidates are encouraged to apply.  Note that this program complements the Innovative Postdoctoral Entrepreneurial Research Fellowship (I-PERF) program that gives recent PhD graduates an opportunity to do a postdoc in an NSF-funded startup or small business.  For details, see https://iperf.asee.org/ and https://efellows.asee.org/