PhD Career Pathways Conference 2020

Virtual Mini-Conference

 May 1, 2020

9:00 am-12:45 pm, via ZOOM.

The in-person event has been cancelled due to the ongoing COVID-10 crisis. The University is operating in a partial online environment as of March 18. Instead of canceling this day-long event with 9 panels, it is now being scaled down to 2 virtual panels.  This event will feature several STEM focused panel participants. Please use this opportunity to become comfortable with networking, job search strategies, and best practices for this new employment market.

Event Information & RSVP:

Virtual Mini-Conference Schedule

8:45-9:00                   Participants Log  on
9:00-9:15 am             Opening Remarks 
9:20-10:50 am           Session 1: Careers in Non-Profits
10:50-11:00                BREAK
11:00 am-12:30 pm    Session 2: Research Careers Outside of Academia 
12:30-12:40 pm          Closing Remarks 


Panel 1: PhDs in the NonProfit World – The DC metro region has hundreds of “non-profits” focused on the arts and social issues. In addition, DC is the location of a plethora of national associations and “think tanks.” Are there some issues that you would love to apply your research, leadership and communication skills to for change? Learn more about what is like to work in the non-profit sector as compared to other industries.


Anya Fink (Research Analyst, CNA Corporation) 
Jessica Bennett (Assistant Director of STEM Education, Association of Public and Land-grant Universities) 
Katie White (Director of Social Action and English Faculty, Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart) 
Kayla Valdes (Associate Director, Scientific Programs, DIA)
Robin Bloodworth (Data Analyst, Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute) 


Panel 2: Research Careers Outside of Academia – PhDs in all disciplines have honed strong research analytical and other transferable skills. But how are these used in the biotech, aerospace, technology, healthcare and education arenas? Learn more about how the skills developed during the doctoral experience translate to challenging careers outside of the academy.


Chandria Jones (Senior Study Director, Westat) 
Haiqiu Huang (Scientist, Jecho Laboratories, Inc.) 
Jennifer Guida (Postdoctoral Fellow, National Cancer Institute/National Institutes of Health) 
Shayandev Sinha (Yield Engineer, Intel Corporation) 
Sidra Montgomery (Senior Researcher, Insight Policy Research) 

