Graduate Office

Help Needed with Experiment : Your Speech = Our Science

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Announcements Graduate Office

SistersScholars Present: 2018 Fall PhD Wellness Retreat

SistersScholars was established in 2018 by Dr. Jessye Talley (Industrial/Systems Engineering – North Carolina A&T University) and Dr. Orissa Massey (Social Work – Howard University) to provide social support and services for students pursuing the doctorate. We also are taking some students who are completing a master’s degree that in process of applying to doctoral programs.  On October 20, 2018 we will be hosting a Wellness Retreat (See attached) for women pursuing the PhD.

The expertise developed during a PhD process is vital to the advancement of our society. In certain fields there is a lack of women pursuing these degrees. It is important they have a space to be encouraged, and receive mentoring to build up the pipeline for the future. This retreat is a time for women PhD students to focus on their mental health and receive mentoring during their matriculation at their respective schools. We have some exciting things planned and hope some of your students are able to join the event.


SistersScholars provide services equally for both women and men; however this event will focus specifically on women scholars, with an opportunity for male students to join in 2019. We offer ongoing support to all via our social media platforms @sistersscholars; where students can engage with us for specific needs as well as other peers for peer-led support.  There are also opportunities where they can sign up for individual support or wellness counseling.  In turn, we hope to provide support to the future researchers and game changers so that they can finish their respective doctoral programs. If you feel that your student could benefit from support and/or wellness services have them register at the link below. If they have any questions they can email us at –

In Wellness and Scholarship,


Orissa Massey, PhD

Jessye Talley, PhD

SistersScholars[gview file=””]

Graduate Office

The First IGSF talk is Coming Up!

[gview file=””]Hello Everyone!

The The first IGSF talk is coming up! Please Join us to hear about Dr. Manbachi’s path to become a successful researcher in the field of Bioengineering.  
LinkedIn post of the event 

P.S. No RSVP required, everyone is welcome to attend.

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Announcements Graduate Office

Full Tuition STEM Scholarships Available For Your Students

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Graduate Office

Cosmos Scholars Grant Program Accepting Applications

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Graduate Office

PhD Other Events & Workshops 2018

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Graduate Office

PhD 2018-19 Career Development Workshops

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