Announcements Jobs/Internships

Open Positions at The Roux Institute – Northeastern University

The Roux Institute is a new translational research model designed to accelerate regional technology economies through interdisciplinary and use-inspired science and engineering through comprehensive industry partnerships and an entrepreneurial mindset.  Unlike most other non-tenure track research positions, research faculty and senior research scientists and engineers at the Roux Institute are eligible to receive three years of hard salary funding plus startup for laboratory and equipment startup.

About the Opportunities

Research Faculty. The Research Faculty at the Roux Institute at Northeastern University will be responsible for building an independent and externally funded research program, as well as providing leadership for overseeing the growth of the research program within their respective fields. Besides the faculty title of “Research Professor” (at the appropriate rank, based on experience), the successful candidate will be named as an “Institute Member” at the Roux Institute. Importantly, though these are intended to be externally funded positions, research faculty at the Roux Institute are provided with three years of full salary support plus a generous research startup package.

Research Staff. As an independent contributor to the Roux Institute Research mission, the Research Scientist will be responsible for driving and contributing to research within their respective fields. Senior level research scientists and engineers who are selected to serve in the role of principal investigator will be named as an “Institute Member” at the Roux Institute and will be eligible for consideration for research startup funding.

Postdoctoral Researchers. Postdoctoral researchers will contribute to research within their respective fields and build relationships with partner organizations. Researchers with interdisciplinary interests across two or more research verticals (Computational Medicine, Data Visualization, Engineering, and Experiential AI) are particularly encouraged to apply.

More information can be found here.