The ORISE Research Participation Program at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is an educational and training program designed to provide college students, recent graduates, and university faculty opportunities to connect with the unique resources of the FDA. With the support of an assigned mentor, participants have authentic research experiences using equipment not found on most college campuses. These research experiences compliment the educational nature of the programs and make participants aware of potential STEM employment opportunities at the sponsoring agency. Participants will have access to unique research and training opportunities, top scientists and engineers, and state-of-the-art facilities and equipment.
Health Communications and Education Outreach Fellowship
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research | Silver Spring, MD | STIPEND PROVIDED
Small Business and Industry Assistance Research Internship
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research | Silver Spring, MD | STIPEND PROVIDED
Quality Standards for Drug Quality Fellowship
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research | Silver Spring, MD | STIPEND PROVIDED
Biostatistics Internship
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition | College Park, MD | STIPEND PROVIDED
Physicochemical Characterization of Breast Implants Internship
Office of the Commissioner | Silver Spring, MD | STIPEND PROVIDED
Foodborne Genomics & Bioinformatics Fellowship
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition | College Park, MD | STIPEND PROVIDED