ASEE Professional Development

   We invite you to a rare opportunity to participate in a, FREE, Nationally recognized Professional Development facilitated by the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE). In partnership with UC Davis & UMBC, ASEE will be delivering two high quality trainings that will promote your career to the next level. Additionally, those who register will receive a FREE ASEE student membership. Below describes the two professional development opportunities and dates:

  1. New Faculty Institute (1 offering, Limited seating of 25 participants) – for postdocs and new faculty 
  1. Future Faculty institute (3 offerings, Limited seating of 25 per offering) – for all graduate students in engineering (MS, PhD, PostDocs). 

To register, simply click on the link with the corresponding PD time and topic as described in the attached flyer. Please choose only one! Do not register for more than one if you are trying to hold spots. We will not honor double registrations. So plan accordingly. Registration will close one week before each institute begins, HOWEVER, do not wait. We can not guarantee a spot. 

Additionally, we ask that you fully commit to the program. Each PD is designed such that it requires your full undivided attention and commitment. Further, it is expected that you will attend the entire time to receive certification. 

We can’t encourage you enough to take advantage of such an amazing opportunity. Each professional development can run one person $650. This is being provided to you at NO cost. Also, it makes a great contribution to your CV or resume. 

Act now!