Admission to PhD Candidacy


Once a student has passed his or her doctoral qualifying examination, completed the coursework in the doctoral program of study, and has obtained approval for his or her doctoral dissertation proposal, the student is considered to have completed the preliminary training and demonstrated his or her potential to successfully complete the Ph.D. degree. This is formally confirmed by the Office of the Registrar by recognizing the student as a Ph.D. Candidate. The student must submit the Application for Admission to Candidacy Form to the Office of the Registrar. This form must be approved by the Director of the Graduate Program and  by the Office of the Registrar. Students must be admitted to candidacy at least 6 months prior to the date on which the degree will be conferred.

It is the responsibility of the student to submit an Application for Admission to Candidacy Form when all the requirements for candidacy have been fulfilled. The application form is available online at:

This form may also be obtained from the ME Graduate Studies Office, 2168 Martin Hall.  Applications must be received by the Office of the Registrar prior to the 25th of the month, in order for the advancement to be effective the first day of the following month.

Doctoral students who do not hold an M.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering, or Reliability Engineering may be awarded a non-thesis M.S. degree upon advancement to candidacy.

Mechanical Engineering Students who wish to apply for the non-thesis M.S. degree must have completed a minimum of 30 credits of graduate coursework. At least 24 credits must have been taken at the University of Maryland and at least 21 credits must have been derived from courses taken at the 600-level or above.

Reliability Engineering Students who wish to apply for this non-thesis M.S. degree degree must have completed a minimum of 30 credits of graduate coursework. At least 24 credits at the University of Maryland and at least 18 credits at the 600 level or above and completion of 6 credits of core courses. 

In both cases, the doctoral dissertation proposal fulfills the research paper requirement of the non-thesis option and the doctoral proposal presentation serves as the department comprehensive examination.  In addition, students must file the following forms: 

  1. Request for Inclusion or Transfer of Credits (if transferring credits not used for a previous graduate degree from another institution).
  2. Approved Program Form, available online at:
  3. Application for Graduation (Graduation Candidate Application), available online at: