ENRE 600 – FUNDAMENTALS OF FAILURE MECHANISMS (3 credits) This Core course is required for all Reliability Engineering PhD students.
Introduces the student to some basic principles of reliability engineering and reliability physics. The approach is to provide a general toolset by which engineers can understand how to consider reliability in all phases of the design and manufacture of a product. The emphasis is on integrating statistics and probability with understanding the fundamental physics of processes that lead to failures.
ENRE 602 – RELIABILITY ANALYSIS (3 credits) This Core course is required for all Reliability Engineering PhD students.
Principal methods of reliability analysis, including fault tree and reliability block diagrams; Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA); event tree construction and evaluation; reliability data collection and analysis; methods of modeling systems for reliability analysis. Focus on problems related to process industries, fossil-fueled power plant availability, and other systems of concern to engineers.
ENRE 620 – MATHEMATICAL TECHNIQUES OF RELIABILITY ENGINEERING (3 credits) Prerequisites: MATH 246 or permission of department.
Basic probability and statistics Application of selected mathematical techniques to the analysis and solution of reliability engineering problems. Applications of matrices, vectors, tensors, differential equations, integral transforms, and probability methods to a wide range of reliability-related problems.
ENRE 640 – COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS OF RELIABILITY DATA (3 credits) Prerequisites: ENRE 620 and ENRE 602.
Basic life model concepts. Probabilistic life models, for components with both time-independent and time-dependent loads. Data analysis, parametric and nonparametric estimation of basic time-to-failure distributions. Data analysis for systems. Accelerated life models. Repairable systems modeling.
ENRE 641 – Probabilistic Physics of Failure and Accelerated Testing (3 credits)
Models for life testing at constant stress. Graphical and analytical methods. Test plans for accelerated testing. Competing failure modes and size effects. Models and data analyses for step and time-varying stresses. Optimizing of test plans
ENRE 645 – HUMAN RELIABILITY ANALYSIS (3 credits) Prerequisites: ENRE 600 and ENRE 602; or permission of department.
Credit will be granted for only one of the following: ENRE 645, or ENSE 606. Methods of solving practical human reliability problems, the THERP, SLIM, OAT, and SHARP methods, performance shaping factors, human-machine systems analysis, distribution of human performance. and uncertainty bounds, skill levels, source of human error probability data, examples and case studies.
Repeatable to 6 credits if content differs. For students who have definite plans for individual study of faculty-approved problems. Credit given according to the extent of work.
Bayesian methods and applications, estimation of rare event frequencies, uncertainty analysis and propagation methods, reliability analysis of dynamic systems, analysis of dependent failures, reliability of repairable systems, human reliability analysis methods, and theory of logic diagrams and application to systems reliability.
ENRE 670 – RISK ASSESSMENT FOR ENGINEERS I (3 credits) Prerequisite: ENRE 602.
Why study risk, sources of risk, probabilistic risk assessment procedure, factors affecting risk acceptance, statistical risk acceptance analysis, psychometric risk acceptance, perception of risk, comparison or risks, consequence analysis, risk-benefit assessment. Risk analysis performed for light water reactors, chemical industry, and dams. Class projects on risk management concepts.
ENRE 671 – RISK ASSESSMENT FOR ENGINEERS II (3 credits) Prerequisite: ENRE 670.
The course covers advanced techniques for performing quantitative risk assessment. The fundamental theory of systems risk modeling, methods for vulnerability identification, risk scenario development, and probability assessment are presented. Also covered are methods for risk results presentation, and several example applications.
ENRE 684 – INFORMATION SECURITY (3 credits) Prerequisites: None.
This course is divided into three major components: overview, detailed concepts, and implementation techniques. The topics to be covered are: general security concerns and concepts from both a technical and management point of view, principles of security, architectures, access control and multi-level security, trojan horses, covert channels, trap doors, hardware security mechanisms, security models, security kernels, formal specifications and verification, networks and distribution systems and risk analysis.