ENME 631 – ADVANCED CONDUCTION AND RADIATION HEAT TRANSFER (3 credits) Prerequisites: ENME 315, 321 and 700 (at least concurrent) or equivalent or permission of instructor.
Theory of conduction and radiation. Diffused and directional poly- and mono-chromatic sources. Quantitative optics. Radiation in enclosures. Participating media. Integro-differential equations. Multi-dimensional, transient and steady state conduction. Phase change. Coordinate system transformations.
ENME 632 – ADVANCED CONVECTION HEAT TRANSFER (3 credits) Prerequisites: ENME 315, 321, 342, 343, and 700 or equivalent or permission of instructor. Meets the Core Course Requirement for TFES students.
Statement of conservation of mass, momentum and energy. Laminar and turbulent heat transfer in ducts, separated flows, and natural convection. Heat and mass transfer in laminar boundary layers. Nucleate boiling, film boiling, Leidenfrost transition, and critical heat flux. Interfacial phase change processes; evaporation, condensation, industrial applications such as cooling towers, condensers. Heat exchanger design.
ENME 633 – Molecular THERMODYNAMICS (3 credits) Prerequisite: permission of department. Also offered as ENNU 625. Meets the Core Course Requirement for TFES students.
An examination of the interactions between molecules, which govern thermodynamics relevant to engineering, will be conducted. We will investigate both classical and statistical approaches to thermodynamics for understanding topics such as phase change, wetting of surfaces, chemical reactions, adsorption, and electrochemical processes. Statistical approaches and molecular simulation tools will be studied to understand how molecular analysis can be translated to macroscopic phenomena.
ENME 635 – ANALYSIS OF ENERGY SYSTEMS (3 credits) Prerequisite: ENME 633 or equivalent or permission of instructor.
Rankine cycles with non-azeotropic working fluid mixtures, two-, multi- and variable-stage absorption cycles and vapor compression cycles with solution circuits. Power generation cycles with working fluid mixtures. Development of rules for finding all possible cycles suiting a given application or the selection of the best alternative.
ENME 640 – FUNDAMENTALS OF FLUID MECHANICS (3 credits) Prerequisite: ENME 700 or equivalent or permission of instructor. Meets the Core Course Requirement for TFES students.
Equations governing the conservation of mass, momentum, vorticity and energy in fluid flows. Equations are illustrated by analyzing a number of simple flows. Emphasis on physical understanding facilitating the study of advanced topics in fluid mechanics.
ENME 641 – VISCOUS FLOW (3 credits) Prerequisite: ENME 640 or equivalent or permission of instructor.
Fluid flows where viscous effects play a significant role. Examples of steady and unsteady flows with exact solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations. Boundary layer theory. Stability of laminar flows and their transition to turbulence.
ENME 642 – HYDRODYNAMICS I (3 credits) Prerequisite: ENME 640 or equivalent or permission of instructor.
Exposition of classical and current methods used in analysis of inviscid, incompressible flows.
ENME 646 – COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS AND HEAT TRANSFER II (3 credits) Prerequisites: ENME 632, 640 and 700 or equivalent or permission of instructor.
Numerical solution of inviscid and viscous flow problems. Solutions of potential flow problems Euler equations, boundary layer equations and Navier-Stokes equations. Applications to turbulent flows.
ENME 647 – MULTIPHASE FLOW AND HEAT TRANSFER (3 credits) Prerequisites: ENME 321 and 342 or equivalent or permission of instructor.
Boiling and condensation in stationary systems, phase change heat transfer phenomenology, analysis and correlations. Fundamentals of two-phase flow, natural circulation in thermal hydraulic multi-loop systems with applications to nuclear reactors safety. Multiphase flow fundamentals. Critical flow rates. Convective boiling and condensation. Multiphase flow and heat transfer applications in power and process industries.
ENME 656 – PHYSICS OF TURBULENT FLOW (3 credits) Prerequisites: ENME 640 and 641 or equivalent or permission of instructor.
Definition of turbulence and its physical manifestations. Statistical methods and the transport equations of turbulence quantities. Laboratory measurement and computer simulation methods. Isotropic turbulence. Physics of turbulent shear flows.
ENME 657 – ANALYSIS OF TURBULENT FLOW (3 credits) Prerequisites: ENME 640 and 641 or equivalent or permission of instructor.
Mathematical representation of turbulent transport, production and dissipation. Closure schemes for predicting flows. Recent advances in direct and large-eddy numerical simulation techniques.
ENME 701 – Sustainable Energy Conversion and the Environment (3 credits)
Discussion of the major sources and end-users of energy in our society with particular emphasis on renewable energy production and utilization. Introduces a range innovative technologies and discusses them in the context of the current energy infrastructure. Renewable sources such as wind and solar are discussed in detail. Particular attention is paid to the environmental impact of the various forms of energy.
This course is designed to offer systematic coverage of the methodologies for measurement and data analysis of thermal and fluid processes at the graduate level. The course materials will cover three broad categories: (1) Fundamentals of thermal and fluid processes in single phase and multiphase flows as related to this course; (2) Measurement/Instrumentation techniques for measurement of basic quantities such as pressure, temperature, flow rate, heat flux, etc.; and (3) Experimental design and planning, sources of errors in measurements, and uncertainty analysis and engineering of measurement. The environmental impact and industrial use of nanoparticles an industry design concept. Smaller assignments will allow the student to use the theoretical tools that are taught along with the individual technology topics to analyze a problem related to the specific technology (i.e., PEM fuel cells, DI diesels, etc.) random signals, which are used to describe the attributes of physical systems. Several of these techniques are implemented by student teams through laboratory activities. Software is employed to support these activities and to supplement the classroom material.
ENME 742 – Urban Microclimate and Energy (3 credits)
Examines urban microclimate from the perspective of transient heat and mass transfer using building energy simulations for building clusters. The focus is on understanding building energy consumption and environmental impacts from the individual building scale to a neighborhood scale. Emerging morphological properties of building clusters modulate transient convective and radiative heat transfer resulting in different local microclimatic conditions. At the neighborhood scale, these conditions are analyzed using heat and mass transfer simulations in building clusters to provide boundary conditions for transient building energy simulations. At the individual building scale, besides the energy consumption, this course examines connection between indoor and outdoor environments.
ENME 745 – Numerical Methods in Engineering (3 credits)
Fundamental aspects of how to apply analytical mathematical concepts to discrete data. The course is aimed at graduate students in any area of engineering, and treats the materials in a general manner that is not specific to any application or field of specialization.
ENME 808I – Interfacial Fluid Mechanics (3 credits)
Provides basic understanding on several fluid mechanics phenomena that are driven by surface tension. Such examples range from describing the equilibrium of harmless drop sitting on your coffee table to the more complication dynamics of wine drops on your wine glass. Understanding these phenomena can be vitally important to multitude of disciplines in Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering. Material Science and Engineering, Bioengineering, Civil Engineering, Physics, and Chemistry.
ENME 808U – Modern Climate Control and Building Energy Design/Analysis (3 credits)
Fundamentals and design calculations of heat and moisture transfer in buildings; evaluation of cooling heating and power requirements of buildings; building energy consumption simulations, use of alternative energy and energy conservation measures in buildings; fundamentals of fans/pumps and air/water distribution in buildings; introduction to refrigeration and energy systems for data centers and other mission-critical facilities.